Each divination tool is like a key that opens the door to your spiritual
house. Each door that you open contains different information that
pertains to your life, so the more information you receive the better
informed you will be. For a complete assessment of your spiritual house,
Nana recommends combination readings.
Master Psychic Nana of Your Psychic Guide has more than 50 years of
experience and is licensed with the state of Colorado to give psychic
readings. Private readings for individuals, couples, or groups are
available. When you want to provide your guests with a unique form of
entertainment, Nana is available for events, parties, or shows.
Psychic Readings, Love, Career, Family, & Finances, Spirit &
Spirit Guide Contact, Dream Interpretation, Protection from Unwanted Entities, Aura Cleansing, Guided Meditation, Channeling, Clairvoyance,
Clairaudience & Chakra Balancing,
Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, is practiced
worldwide, with history in Indian, Mayan and Egyptian astrology. The
Palm Reader studies your palm and gives insights to character or future.
Each hand shape is associated with certain character traits. Your
Palm Reader will explain each detail during your reading. Palm reading
can be entertaining, insightful and fun.
For females the right hand characterizes what you were born with.
The left hand is what you’ve accumulated during your lifetime.
For males it’s the opposite, the left hand characterizes what you
were born with. The right hand is what you’ve accumulated during your
lifetime. It can also be the dominant hand, which can be your
present/past life hand and the least dominant hand could be your future
life hand.
Your Palm Reader will identify the four major lines.
The heart line.
The head line.
The life line.
The fate line (Not everyone has a fate line.)
The heart line is read by your Palm Reader who uses this line to
discover romantic perspectives, depression, cardiac health and emotions.
The head line represents communication style, intellect, thirst
for knowledge and learning style. This line is usually curved and is
associated with creative and spontaneous results.
A straight line is
linked to practical and structured characteristics.
The life line reflects physical health, general well being, and
major life changes. Its length is not associated with length of life.
The fate line is also known as the line of destiny. It indicates
the degree to which a person's life is affected by external
circumstances beyond their control. Begins at the base of the palm.
Tarot cards date back to before 1400. The first documented Tarot card readings were around 1430 in Italy.
The Tarot is one of the oldest divination oracles still in use
today. It can be used in many ways, including meditation, visualization,
and ritual work, but its widest use is in performing Tarot readings.
The archetypes that make up the Tarot lend themselves to acting as a
gateway between our conscious and unconscious selves, enabling us to
connect with ancestral voices (and universal knowledge).
There are many different reasons for wanting to do a reading: to
better understand the past; to bring the present into sharper focus; to
see what our current options are; to see what the effect of taking a
given action (or actions) will be on our life; as a tool for spiritual
growth; as a tool for both mental and physical healing; as a tool for
understanding/healing our relationships; as a tool to help us guide our
careers - these are just a few of the myriad reasons for doing a
So you sit down with your deck of choice. You may or may not have
an idea of what you want to read for, or how you want to phrase your
question. You may be at a loss as to which spread you want to work with,
and you may truly be at a loss as to how to best interpret the spread
once it is laid out. Time to take a deep breath, and exhale slowly.
There is magick in the Tarot, but the key to unlocking that magick lies
within the reader. Every reader needs to be open to allowing information
to come through to them. Do not be afraid of what you see - you may see
some shadows, but we all have them. They are a part of every reading
that has ever been done.
Let's start our reading by defining the question/issue at hand.
That is all we are going to think about right now. If you are reading
for someone else, ask them to take some time, and think about what they
want to ask. If, in the end, the question is open ended (i.e. along the
lines of "What do I need to know about?), then form the question in
exactly that manner. The answers that we receive are only as good as the
questions that we ask. We want to state the question (which acts as the
foundation for the reading) in as succinct a manner as possible. In
other words - it should be brief, and to the point.
Runes are the letters in a set of related alphabets known as runic
alphabets which were used to write various Germanic languages before the
adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialized purposes thereafter.
The Scandinavian variants are also known as futhark or fuþark (derived
from their first six letters of the alphabet: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K); the
Anglo-Saxon variant is futhorc or fuþorc (due to sound changes
undergone in Old English by the same six letters). Runology is the study
of the runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, runestones, and their
history. Runology forms a specialized branch of Germanic linguistics.
The earliest runic inscriptions date from around AD 150. The
characters were generally replaced by the Latin alphabet as the cultures
that had used runes underwent Christianization by around AD 700 in
central Europe and by around AD 1100 in Northern Europe. However, the
use of runes persisted for specialized purposes in Northern Europe.
Until the early 20th century runes were used in rural Sweden for
decoration purposes in Dalarna and on Runic calendars.
The three best-known runic alphabets are the Elder Futhark
(around 150–800), the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (400–1100), and the Younger
Futhark (800–1100).
The Younger Futhark is further divided into the
long-branch runes (also called Danish, although they were also used in
Norway and Sweden), short-branch or Rök runes (also called
Swedish-Norwegian, although they were also used in Denmark), and the
stavesyle or Hälsinge runes (staveless runes). The Younger Futhark
developed further into the Marcomannic runes, the Medieval runes
(1100–1500), and the Dalecarlian runes (around 1500–1800).
Historically, the runic alphabet is a derivation of the Old
Italic alphabets of antiquity, with the addition of some innovations.
Which variant of the Old Italic family in particular gave rise to the
runes is uncertain, suggestions including Raetic, Etruscan or Old Latin
All these scripts at the time had the same angular letter
shapes suited for epigraphy which would become characteristic of the
runes. The process of transmission of the script (the oldest
inscriptions being found in Denmark and Northern Germany, not near
Italy) is also unknown. A "West Germanic hypothesis" suggests
transmission via Elbe Germanic groups, while a "Gothic hypothesis"
assumes transmission via East Germanic expansion.
Reading tea leaves is a form of divination which relies on the
psychic's ability to interpret the different symbols and patterns
created by loose tea leaves or coffee grounds in a cup.
To read someone's tea leaves, you must prepare a cup of tea with
loose tea leaves. A small, white cup with no designs or patterns on the
inside walls is ideal. Have the querant drink the tea, leaving a minute
amount of liquid in the bottom of the cup, as well as some tea leaves.
Holding the cup in the left hand, he or she should slowly swirl the
contents of the cup around three times clockwise.
Try to make sure that
the leaves are moved towards the rim of the tea cup. Then the querant
should place the cup upside down on the saucer, holding it there for 7
seconds while letting the fluids drain. When the tea cup is placed right
side up again, the handle should be facing the reader while he or she
interprets the symbols and images.
Many leaves point to a full life.
Lots of specific images
symbolize many important issues in the person's life. Contradicting
images imply indecision in the person's mind. The larger images are the
more important issues in the person's life. Objects on the left of the
handle may denote the past and objects to the right may be in the
future. It is commonly believed that symbols near the rim of the tea cup
refer to the present or the near future, while those towards the bottom
of the cup are seen as the past.
Sometimes the top of the cup is seen
as lucky and the bottom is seen as unlucky.
These are only guidelines to help you get started. A genuine
reading is dependent upon the readers own interpretation of the symbols.
The Crystal Ball goes back hundred and hundreds of years. Crystals
are also known to be a very powerful tool, especially in the healing
The crystal ball that Nana uses goes back generations in her
Nana uses the crystal ball to aid in finding lost objects since
she can see actual places in her crystal ball.
She sees addresses,
houses, and can even see a person's image when someone wants to see who
they are going to marry. She sees good influences, bad influences,
initials and names, documents and even the writing and the print
therein. The list goes on and depends on what you're seeking.
crystal ball shows many more direct objects and helps her see the fine
details that are missed in a Tarot Card Reading.
feels quite comfortable and confident reading the crystal ball and
likes to use her ball in unison with the tarot cards, runes and
crystals. If something is mentioned in the cards, she can go to the
crystal ball to see the actual detail or to see an exact picture.
Crystals, gems and stones, have a long documented history of use in
healing work in practically every culture and religious tradition since
the dawn of time.
In our contemporary era, crystals are regularly
employed because of their inherent ability to deeply enhance the table
work experience for both the practitioner and client.
Quartz crystals are considered sacred powerful tools in many
different traditions and have been recognized as such for a very long
time. They have been utilized for their extraordinary abilities by
magicians, shamans, and lightworkers since recorded history and before
as tools for healing higher consciousness and frequency-shifting.
Quartz crystals have been found as artifacts among the most ancient of
archaeological digs, and their use in Atlantis has been described by
many writers.
Quartz crystals have many amazing qualities—perhaps most extraordinary is their ability to transduce energy.
Nana, a Master Psychic, offers Spiritual Advice on Career, Money,
Family, Love, Health, Business or almost any subject.
I can give you
predictive indicators, spiritual fullfillment from my profound insights.
Let me help you to evaluate your current situation, no need to stres
yourself with worries. Love is a challenge and I can help you.
I have been doing psychic readings for over 50 years.
knowledge was passed down to me from generations by my mother and great
grand mother have passes on my spiritual gifts. Let me use my rich
practical experience and my ability to tune into the angelic world to
help you
Spirit Guides are more likely to offer us signs and omens.
the challenge is to recognize these signs and omens when we see them.
This does not mean that you have to be a professional psychic. You need
merely be aware that signs from the world of spirit often look like
coincidences. Nana can help guide you in your quest.
When you ask a spirit guide guidance, you may not immediately
hear an answer. The questions are often heard but the answers (the
coincidences or omens) don’t appear for days. You don’t have to wait.
Just go about your life and be open to receiving your answer when you
are ready. Spirit works in many ways to reach us and they know that if
we are not telepathic or clairvoyant that they can get our attention in
other ways.
So you don’t have to have to be psychic. You won’t be left
out of the loop. The spirits will find some way to get their message to
The signs, the omens, the guidance is all around us, at all items. All we need do is open ourselves to receiving the messages.
Ever wonder why you dream?
Do you fly in your dreams?
Are you being chased in your dreams?
A Few Hints For Remembering Your Dreams
Do you dream about a ex?
Do you have a recurring?
Do you have nightmares.
These are just a few of the most common dreams. Nana is an expert
dream interpreter and can help you understand your dream and how to
benefit from it.
A Few Hints For Remembering Your Dreams
Deciding you want to remember your dream is the first step. Write down a request for your dream body stating you want to remember your dreams tonight and slip it under your pillow. Buy a fancy dream journal or better yet design one with a
collage of clippings on the cover. Put it next to your bed and expect a
dream by morning.
The signs, the omens, the guidance is all around us, at all items. All we need do is open ourselves to receiving the messages.
Psychic protection is vital for anyone wishing to do psychic readings
or channel spirit via cards, Ouija board or trance/physical mediumship.
Without psychic protection the person can leave themselves open
to interference or in extreme cases, harassment and possession by lower
astral entities.
The steps are outlined below and as long as they are
put in place before any psychic activity is carried out, no harm to
befall the practitioner.
Visualize the protection cleanse a space or room before beginning
Use certain crystals for strengthening the cleansing and protection in the space.
Carry crystals upon your person
Prayers play an important role in cleansing
All living beings have an aura – a rainbow of colors encompassing your body.
Your aura defines your past, your present, your future. Your aura
determines if you will be lonely and isolated, or surrounded by loved
ones. It determines if you will have money worries or be able to amass
great wealth.
Ultimately, your aura determines if you will be frustrated
and sad – or successful and happy.
A clean aura, unencumbered by imperfections, may allow the good things to enter your life.
However, if your aura is riddled with imperfections, your life
will never be fulfilled – you will never get what you want!
The barriers
that are present in a cluttered aura will most certainly prevent you
from achieving the happiness and success you so deserve.
Once your aura is cleansed – removing the imperfections and dark
clouds that surround it – only then can love and money flow through your
aura into your life. Only then can you discover the gold mine that is
waiting for you
"Your aura is like a fingerprint; it
is completely unique and represents precisely who you really are.
unlike the fingerprint, a gifted psychic can change your aura, cleanse
it – eliminating the clouds, the defects, the negatives. The results
could be startling: your relationships could be better than ever, your
love life could get a jump start, and your finances could take a quantum
We all know that meditating is great for the body, mind and soul. We
plan to do it, try it out, and sometimes end up with disappointing
Nana has helped 1000's of people through Guided Meditation.
Meditating when you want to can be extremely difficult. You get
distracted, thoughts keep passing through your head, and you can't stop
mentally talking to yourself. This is very common among beginners who
are just starting out.
It might also be an occasional problem even for
those who have more experience.
Something that might help you through that difficulty is guided
meditation. This is meditating while listening to a voice (usually an
audio recording) which helps to guide the process. It can give you
wonderful results and leave you with a better sense of accomplishment
than unaided meditation.
Channeling is the act of receiving transmission and information from
non-physical being. There is two type of channeled information those
from entities in our dead zone (also referred and divided by zone such
as Astral, Causal, Akashic, Mental, Messianic, and Buddhic and those
from entities outside of it.
Channeling in which the channeler goes into a trance, or "leaves
their body" and then becomes "possessed" by a specific spirit, who then
talks through them. In the trance, the medium enters a cataleptic state
marked by extreme rigidity. The control spirit then takes over, the
voice may change completely and the spirit answers the questions of
those in its presence or giving spiritual knowledge.
Many of us have questions about life and destiny. Whatever questions
you have you may find peace through speaking with a clairvoyant.
The word clairvoyance means “to see clearly.” This does not refer
to the sense of sight, but rather to seeing with what some call the
“inner eye” or “third eye.”
Others may refer to this ability as a “sixth
sense.” What’s common to all of these terms and definitions is that
they refer to an ability to perceive hidden truths. Clairvoyant psychics
have the ability to tap into energies that the average person is not
able to perceive. For this reason, many people turn to clairvoyants for
guidance in various areas of their lives.
Clairvoyant psychics use their gifts to provide guidance on
friendships and relationships.
Because they receive unique visions of
events, images and places, clairvoyant psychics are uniquely qualified
to advise you if someone special is “The One” or if a relationship is
destined to last. With guidance from a clairvoyant providing a psychic
love reading, you may be better able to nurture positive connections and
move on from relationships that are having a negative influence on your
Within the physical body resides a spiritual body that contains the Chakras. Chakras are the Entry Gates of the Aura.
Chakras are responsible for the person's physical, mental, and
spiritual functions. They absorb and transmit energies to and from the
universe, nature, celestial entities, from people even from things.
Chakras are centers of activity that assimilate and express life force
When your Chakras are out of balance
you can experience restless nights, anxiety, depression, & loss of
connection with your loved ones. The good news is there is help, by
detoxifying your soul with a spiritual Chakra Balancing.
The 7 Chakras:
1st Chakra - Red - Base (Root)
Location: The Perineum (the point between the sexual organs and the anus)
Parts of the Body: Prostate Gland (men), Bladder, Elimination
System, Lymph System, Skeleton System, Teeth, Sacral Plexus, Lower
2nd Chakra - Orange - Navel (Spleen, Sacral)
Location: Abdomen Center
Parts of the Body: Lumbar Plexus, Reproductive System, Sexual Organs
3rd Chakra - Yellow - Solar Plexus
Location: Solar Plexus
Parts of the Body: Solar Plexus, Large Intestines, Stomach,
Liver, Other Organs of the Solar Plexus, Muscular System and Skin
4th Chakra - Green - Heart
Location: Center of Chest
Part of the Body: Heart, Circulatory System, Lungs, Chest and Cardiac plexus
5th Chakra - Blue - Throat
Location: Throat
Part of the Body: Throat, Neck, Arms, Hands, Brachial or Cervical Plexus
6th Chakra Indigo - Third Eye (Brow)
Location: Central Forehead
Part of the Body: Carotids, Temples or Forehead
7th Chakra – Violet - Crown
Location: Top of the head
Parts of the Body: The brain and nervous system